Netzwerk Kinderrechte: Mit starker Stimme

Working to amplify the voices of children

with National Coalition Germany

Netzwerk zur Umsetzung der UN-Kinderrechtskonvention. National Coalition Deutschland

Logo & corporate design, website concept, design & development, illustration, social media design

The National Coalition Germany was founded in 1992 and has over 100 member organisations, among them among them many NGOs who advocate for children’s rights. The coalition works to ensure that children’s rights to protection, promotion and participation are upheld in Germany.

IKONUM worked with National Coalition to relaunch the organisation’s brand identity and website. The platform was to become more accessible, clearly show the organisation’s range of topics and communicate its goals and content in a more prominent way. The new brand identity was adapted by the social media presences.


Channel national efforts on behalf of child rights, facilitate exchange with other networks on national and international levels, keep partners posted about developements in child rights.