Make children’s voices heard: Gathering the input of children in the whole world for the UN guideline „General Comment No. 26“

Working to make children’s voices heard

with terre des hommes Deutschland

terre des hommes Deutschland

Campaign brand, content architecture, SEO strategy, website design & development, social media design

Together with terre des hommes Deutschland, IKONUM worked to gather the voices of children and experts to draft General Comment No. 26, a UN guideline that holds governments accountable for ensuring that children can live in a clean, green, healthy and sustainable world.

We have set up a platform for an online consultation of young people and children around the world and reached out to them through social media. The consultation feeds into and shapes General Comment No. 26.

Reach out to young people worldwide, create online engagement of experts, young people and children, gain attention on social media, create impact with memorable campaign design, build a campaign and cosultation platform